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> I will discuss the following:

> * What the Second Ideal of Focus, Flow and Joy Means to Me Relearning Coding: How Coding Mostly Left My Daily Life in 2008, But Came Back in 2016 (or If I Can Learn Clojure, Anyone Can)

> * Why I Love LISPs Now

> * Functional Programming and Immutability (and John Carmack)

> * A Mistake I’ve Been Making Since Grad School, and How I Fixed It: Composability

> * The Epiphany I Had Reading “An Introduction to React in 2019 (For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By)”

> * What Rich Hickey Says About Simplicity: Where The First Ideal Of Locality and Simplicity Comes From

> * Solving Business Problems, Not Solving Puzzles—Why I Detest Doing Infrastructure Work These Days

> * Lastly, the REPL…the Ultimate in Fast and Fun Feedback Loops!

> * The Amazing Clojure Community, Parting Thoughts, and What I’d Like To Write About in the Future

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