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> Not really. WinForms is a lot of the reason for C#'s existence, and WinForms is just a wrapper around pinvoke'd Win32. You're crossing the boundary a lot.

That is an implementation detail. I also don’t know many who consider WinForms to be particularly high performance.

(Additional note: though I have not explicitly said it prior, I believe that PInvoke actually was quite slow for a long time, at least certainly during the WinForms era. For all I know, it might still be.)

> I have a hard time believing that RPC can possibly be faster than cgo.

I can’t find a solid reference, but the issue is that Cgo is simply not ideal for heavy applications. It makes scheduling slower. If you are doing expensive work in C++, such as phoning out to the network or decently heavy computation to the point where Cgo overhead is not the concern, then you are unlikely to have much issue with the cost of RPCs. If you are doing tiny amounts of work with no IO one must wonder why you would not just port those bits to Go.

(Example of scheduler issue: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19574)

I continue to contend that considering this to be a show stopper to be unfair or at least not very honest.

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