What challenges are you worried about with transferring PyTorch to production? It’s been wonderful to work with, but I haven’t put a PyTorch model in high volume production yet, so I’m curious too.
1) My laziness to look for what’s available to do this.
2) Core belief to NOT use any product backed by FB.
But anyway, at this point I got so many things already running over TF + Keras that I don’t see any use case of reverting back the entire code base written over 3-4 years to other platform just because new grads from university are using some library more over other. I got everything I need, so why to suffer unnecessarily? I can just spend the same amount of time polishing existing things rather than spending time after something which has less probability to be at same level as existing things.
Yeah, I guess if TF works for you, stick with it. I started learning with Theano+Keras, then with TF, and finally PyTorch, and was much happier when I switched to PyTorch, FWIW. I think it’s worth trying if you haven’t.