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I think this is pretty common. For tabular data, lightgbm/xgboost/catboost usually give better results and require a lot less work (less pre-processing, for example) than neural nets.

One area where I wonder if neural nets would be a more useful option is using something like an LSTM to predict defaults based on a sequence of data? I've tried this a handful of times and doing a bit of feature engineering to aggregate data in a handful of fixed buckets has usually been better and easier, but I'm far from an expert in that area.

I know Jeremy Howard has shown decent results with fastai/pytorch for tabular data and I've seen some Kaggle teams do well with neural nets for tabular data. I've also had decent results with gbdt/nn ensembles. But I think in most situations where you just have tabular data, you'll get better results with less effort if you use lightgbm or the like.

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