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So I have an idea. For HTTPS responses that are cached to disk, 1. do we care about the security of the files on disk? 2. if so, do we do anything to actually secure this content on disk?

If 2 is 'No', could we perhaps encrypt the content with the SSL cert (or some piece[s] of it) before written to disk? Say you have an app you want/need to benefit from caching but the cached data contains sensitive information you'd like to make it harder to get at from a long-term perspective. Take some unique bits (or lots of bits; they're kind of small) and encrypt the cached data with it, and make a hash so you can reference where this cached item came from without explicitly noting where it came from. This would let you store the data with the knowledge that if somebody recovered a hard drive with this old data it would be difficult for them to figure out where the cached data came from and how to encrypt it.

I realize i'm basically asking to use public information to encrypt private data. This can't be too difficult to 'hack' around but you'd need to know what website and certificate created the cached copy (so those entries should probably leave the 'history' as soon as the browser exits). I'm not too familiar with SSL certs in general so to add extra protection you can add something like Firefox's Master Password to the encryption scheme so it's "genuinely" encrypted without data which can be found or guessed like in the SSL cert.

Sorry if this is off-topic, just popped in my head and now i'm curious.

Web developers should declare sensitive data no-cacheable.

Also, this may be a completely separate issue, but shouldn't persistent cookies set over https also be encrypted on disk in some way? If a bank website was found to be setting persistent cookies over https, i'd sure want the browser to be encrypting that cookie in some way before putting it on my hard disk. Again, I don't know if browsers already support this, but I think they should.

Yes, but how many web developers are in a position to decide how their documents are cached, and of those, how many care to? If it's in the web browser I can determine how sensitive data is handled so I don't have to rely on all web developers to do the right thing.

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