Personally, I would love to spend some time learning Elm. My point is not about Elm itself, but how smart it is to choose Elm for a project in 2019, at least in Norway.
Elm was chosen in 2017, and initial development was being done by 2-3 developers. Now, development is being done by 15-20 developers. Some of those developers came because of Elm (like me) and some came because our problem domain is interesting, and then learned Elm on the job.
Choosing Elm for a project in 2017 seems to have been a very good move.
Elm could completely disappear from the face of the Earth next year, and I'd still be glad I learned it, and would still recommend it to others. The concepts have made me a better programmer in general, whether in Node, React or vanilla JS. Hard to explain until you've actually used the language.