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How is something a "status symbol" when Apple has close to half of the market share in the US and anyone can afford one via monthly payments offered by Apple and the carriers?

Most people can afford a used car or a handbag from a vaguely popular brand, but they're still a status symbol. The status it symbolises isn't particularly high, but it's still status.

A status symbol is something that shows that you can afford something other people can’t. Almost anyone in the US who is on one of the four major carriers can afford an iPhone.

Have you ever thought that people might actually prefer it’s functionality?

I'm from Australia. The reason I call it a US status symbol is because of the observably different attitudes in different countries, not because I've got an axe to grind. I understand that most of the Americans who use iPhones do actually like them, but there's a perception of Android as a budget option and iPhone as a premium option that I found to be less common in Australia.

I quite like the iPhone and I've considered switching on the basis that it seems to have a better security model.

Android is the budget option. The average worldwide selling price of an Android phone is about $400 less than an iPhone. Why get a cheap Android phone when the price difference over a 24 month interest free payment plan is $11/month?

I gave up arguing with iPhone haters a long time ago. Whatever you say, no matter how rational and bullet-listed with well-articulated reasons it might be, you always will be the fanboy who chases status or emulates somebody rich, or wants to look cool at a party etc. :(

These days I just keep quiet on the topic and organise my tech life to the best of mine and my family's convenience. And the Apple ecosystem is so far unbeaten in that regard.

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