I don’t think I’ll upgrade my audio Macs for a very long time past 10.14. The fact is that after many years of recording and mixing music on computers I’ve got several older plugins that are simply not maintained anymore by the developers and moving to Catalina will certainly break any projects using them. Sucks that with DAWs unless you run a completely stock DAW without third-party plugins you eventually run the risk of things going out of date / support..
same here, i learnt the hard way when after upgrading and trying to use reason 7 again after a few months at which point i couldn't downgrade the OS at all. i essentially lost the ability to use reason at all without an expensive upgrade
I’m surprised a bunch of developers don’t worry bout breaking their development systems as well. I guess docker and such has taken a lot of the pain over how things used to be.
Both my audio macs are on Mojave now. I don’t think I’ll have any good reason to go to Catalina soon. I’d like to try it since it’s new but... too much could go wrong and it takes too long to restore backups to be worth my while.