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> So they still won't say exactly what Monica did to deserve being de-modded

Direct from the apology:

> We’ll be reaching out to her directly to apologize for the lack of process, privacy, and to discuss next steps. We’ll keep those discussions completely private unless we both agree to share any of it with the community.

> ...and they still won't reinstate her.

Again, a direct quote from the apology:

> We’ll be sharing with our moderators this week our proposed processes for handling situations like this in the future. This includes a process for handling moderator removals, and a process for reinstating moderators who wish to be reinstated.

I don't want to provide too much additional input in this reply, because I believe David's words adequately speak for themselves. However, I do believe that taking those two points private and discussing them outside of the public view is the correct choice. Emotions are already running high on both sides of the argument, and it's not a bad idea to give everyone a moment to breathe, and come at the situation rationally. We should give them a chance to work it out.

According to Monica they've failed to return her emails so please understand why I'm sceptical of SE here.

That's kind of like punching someone in the stomach, then later apologizing for not following the correct punching procedure and for not respecting their privacy by punching them in public.

Except there's never a good reason to punch someone in the stomach, but mods do sometimes need to be removed.

True, the analogy doesn't really hold in that sense. The point of not apologizing for the 'what' but only the 'how' still stands I think.

There are good reasons to punch someone in the stomach, such as them attacking someone else.

It seems very analogous: unprovoked punches and unprovoked de-modding are both wrong, but both are also needed to stop some kinds of abuse.

>apologize for the lack of process, privacy

But not for what they did to her.

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