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I used to have an opinion, but recently realised that I simply don't know the subject well enough. But I can see the tradeof: on the one hand, guns facilitate accidents and murders. On the other hand, arming the population could ensure they can effectively rise up against their government if that's really needed. Not that they will actually, do it, but the mere possibility likely changes the way things are done.

There's also personal defence, but that one has disadvantages too (there might be false positives, were a presumed mugger would get shot). Plus, from what I hear, guns have different effects in different countries.

It's a complicated subject. My opinion right now is not informed enough to be trusted.

I didn't really want to derail the discussion, it was just really striking how similar the arguments here in favor of privacy really are to the arguments in favor of gun control- but many people I have known are in favor of one and not the other.

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