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> Right, that shows that if a highly skilled group of people with community support put in a lot of effort, they can do something that is extremely difficult to do.

I don't think it's 'extremely' difficult to do. Object Systems in Lisp were for some time experimented in dozens in various qualities.

CLOS OTOH is on the 'extremely difficult' side, since it has a lot of features and even may provide its own meta-object protocol. But even then it is possible to leverage a lot of Lisp features (like a well-documented code generation/transformation system) and thus reduce some implementation complexity.

When CLOS was designed, several well-documented OOP extensions already existed (and were used): Flavors, New Flavors, LOOPS, Common LOOPS, Object Lisp, CommonObjects, a bunch of frame languages like FRL, KEE, ...

> DSLs are trivial to implement in Lisp

Some are, some are not. There is a wide range of approaches. This starts relatively simple for some 'embedded DSLs' and gets more difficult for non-embedded DSLs.

There is a decades long practice developing languages in Lisp (since the 1960s), especially embedded DSLs and thus there should be a wide range of them, including a lot of well documented.

Many Lispers know that this CAN be a lot of work, given that many complex DSLs have been developed, many which have seen more than one person year (or even dozens) to develop and some which have been maintained over a decade or more. In many projects one has also seen the limits of Lisp (speed, debugging, delivery, etc.) for this.

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