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Ok let's turn that the other way,

Do you say you want to apply a dictatorship state of global surveillance because criminals are going to use the internet? What about other tech available to them? Are we going to set up a surveillance mechanism in those as well? Scooters? Cars?

Who's going to compile all that data? How is it protected?

It's about the Governance of Information,

and guess what,

I want to be Governing my Data, not some shady politician that got elected for a 5 or 7-year term in some other country.

Every actor in those systems have access to the data of every person that got their info collected.

And yet we are still here with that pedophilia and terrorism argument that, while they are very true, have still evolved and expanded. Even with the Cloud Act and all of the shady agreements

It's an evolution of our sick society, we had that kind of criminality rampant in 2000, we saw that evolve with the net,

But just like the young gangsters that evolve with stolen scooters,

Criminality will always have its sick way.

But dictatorship and global surveillance?

We didn't accept that in the 2000.

And we should never accept that at any cost,

even if it falsely promises to resolve the problem of pedophilia, terrorism, and criminality on those spaces by applying weird unknown algorithms

Technology will always be used by criminals because these are part of the society we build and evolve. They will change their behavior just like all of us; We cannot give up on our freedom and ethics to help catch the few.

And that's what's the problem. I don't care about police retrieving the data of a criminal once a judge has agreed to that, I care when we give them the entire web information and allow them to dictate the behavior of those networks

Not sure why this reply is to what I posted, since it seems to be making a different point. But FWIW, I almost completely agree with what you said there.

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