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Is there a research showing their benefit ? as far as I know experts claim that they are actually harmful because they distort your depth perception

I don't know if there is any research or not but it certainly helps me to be able to see a car doing an overtake move from my rear view mirror in the vehicle to seeing them in the side mirror all the way to where they are right beside me and I can see them without mirrors. Never is there a moment when they are not visible.

Depth perception might come into play when you are timing your own move in front of a car that is already overtaking you. I would caution against that; you already have a double light path to deal with in the mirror and you are also looking in front of you. Just stick to your lane and wait until it is obvious that you can make a move; for instance when the lane is completely clear or when there is ample space, not a space that may or may not be narrow enough to slot your car in.

I don’t need research other than the one I can do myself where it allows me to see cars in my blind spots that I can’t see otherwise.

With a normal mirror watch a car pass you and watch it disappear for a bit before it is visible in your window. The blind spot mirrors show you a car is there all the way until it is past you.

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