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> I'm sure there'd be much disagreement about what warrants replacement and what doesn't ;

How many backwards incompatible variations of C++ std::string have there been, simply in terms of the standard (not extensions). Two? Three?

glibc has been turning their nose up at strlcpy(3) for literally 20 years, and yet still doesn't provide a comparable one-liner alternative that guarantees to always leave a NUL-terminated string behind (i.e. doesn't leave a loaded gun lying around).

A good string interface is impossible to pin down because a "string" is the anti-thesis of a proper data structure. C dipped its toes in the better string library waters with Annex K, which saw almost no uptake; even the original sponsor, Microsoft, never shipped a complete implementation. C would be wise to avoid chasing the mirage of a better string library. In general if you're thinking in terms of "strings", C is the wrong language. C being an inconvenient language for programming with that mindset is a good thing.

(I would love to see strlcpy added, but the fact it's so divisive is maybe a strong hint that there's no way to placate a substantial minority of people, not even the most pragmatic of users. Anything involving the str* API is a lose-lose at this point.)

What C really needs are some primitives for bounded arrays and slices. There are some very good, very simple proposals out there, but no compiler vendor has actually shipped them and the C committee has been burned several times before by standardizing de novo interfaces.

> even the original sponsor, Microsoft, never shipped a complete implementation

I guess mostly because they decided that in what concerns improving Windows system programming safety they were better moving everything into C++ and let others keep bothering with C.

And nowadays their are eyeing into the C#, C++ (with Core Guidelines analyzers) and Rust.

The exception being Azure Sphere, but I bet they will eventually add Rust there, as using C taints the security story of Azure Sphere.

The resistance among C devs to move away from micro-optimize every line of code while writing it down is too big to ever adopt one of those primitives for bounded arrays and slices.

Leading to solutions like ADI enabled SPARC Solaris, or the future Android devices that will be coming with ARM memory tagging enabled.

> glibc has been turning their nose up at strlcpy(3) for literally 20 years, and yet still doesn't provide a comparable one-liner alternative that guarantees to always leave a NUL-terminated string behind (i.e. doesn't leave a loaded gun lying around).

  snprintf(destination, sizeof(destination), "%s", source);


snprintf(3) can fail with ENOMEM. In fact, at one point (not sure about now), glibc could fail with ENOMEM even for %s.[1]

The size argument is an int, not size_t, so there are arithmetic overflow problems.

The return value is also an int, creating underflow and overflow hazards, though the degree to which this is a problem, and the extent to which it's a feature, vary. Everybody has a different opinion about how truncation should be signaled, if at all.

[1] Because glibc snprintf uses (or at least used) its stdio FILE interfaces for implementing snprintf, and it conditionally uses malloc for initializing a temporary FILE object.

You also missed the part where it's not necessarily self-evident what it does, or that it even fixes the issue ;)

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