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Waze's new revenue stream will be shaking down neighborhoods for detour exemptions. "Nice street you got here... it'd be a shame if some assholes in BMWs started speeding through."

Put your car out in front of the street, put the blinker on and watch the traffic go around... takes about 20 minutes for a single lane two way to be removed out of waze completely.

Curiously enough, speeding assholes are almost always driving BMWs. It's almost as if those cars are a gateway drug to reckless driving.

Well if not for them it could have been us, good guys driving Priuses at mere 90, yet thanks to the ones like that Corvette guy who just passed at 120+ and a minute later got tagged we are able to continue uninterrupted as result of his sacrifice.

Yeah, if you want to know about BMWs, ask a cyclist. We all have an opinion.

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