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Got any sources to cite for that watching and listening?

Specifically Apple-related and North American examples?

It's hard to take that question serious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program)#E... explains why. Snowden leaked it years ago now. There is even a scene about that in the movie.

And Apple-related? North American? That's not relevant at all.

It's relevant to what I want to see.

You boldly claimed that the government is observing me in my home through my devices, and I want you to show your work.

PRISM happens at the ISP level, and doesn't mention directly using iPhones, Macs, HomePods or tv as surveillance endpoints... So, where's your proof showing that they're surveilling US Citizens through those specific devices?

>Specifically Apple-related and North American examples?

That's an oddly narrow goalpost. Apple shares user encryption keys with the Chinese government, for example, giving the Chinese government access to all iCloud pictures, messages, documents, videos, etc.

> That's an oddly narrow goalpost.

I didn't want to get accused of moving it later. Also, I'm only interested if there's evidence that applies to me. I'm 100% Apple and 100% USA-based, so if there's proof that "the government is listening!" then I want to see it.

Do they? Shit, I thought that they’d set things up that sharing the key was extremely difficult if not impossible without access to the device? That’s disappointing if true, is there a good article on this?

AFAIK this is only true for Chinese citizens or people who bought their phone in China or something but it is still scary.

Yep, Chinese users only. The odd part is that the internet blew up at Google for even proposing it and later cancelling it with project Dragonfly (also only for Chinese users), but Apple quietly went ahead and just did it without many people noticing.

That’s not accurate at all.

In early 2018, Apple forced their users to opt-in to migrating iCloud encryption keys and data to Chinese data centers:


Chinese government nationalized the data centers six months later, gaining access to all the encryption keys and user iCloud data at rest:


You've missed the fact that the OP said ALL.

Apple does business in China the way they have to do business in China. I don't agree with that, but I'm also quite sure they have not given my iCloud keys to China.

And you missed the point where I said that it was an oddly narrow goalpost.

Also, how exactly was what I said "not accurate at all"? I accuarately said Apple was sharing iCloud data and encryption keys with the Chinese government.

You claimed Apple gives access to ALL iCloud data to China. That is not correct, which is why I pointed that out.

No I did not. You can read the comment thread and see that. That's your own straw man.

"..giving the Chinese government access to all iCloud pictures, .."

Direct quote. Emphasis mine.

>"Apple shares user encryption keys with the Chinese government, for example, giving the Chinese government access to all iCloud pictures, messages, documents, videos, etc."

Is the full sentence with context, meaning access for all the iCloud data for the encryption keys being shared. Don't mince words because you misunderstood the sentence.

There is no grammatical foundation for your parsing of the sentence. If you meant it that way, you wrote it incorrectly.

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