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Conversely, do you find that this criticism applies to Lua?

Absolutely. I don't particularly like either language much as a self admitted language snob, but I have to realize their successes and try to remain rather objective in my statements. Subjectively, I think that python does numbers best for a scripting language.

As a person who spends his days writing Lua, it absolutely applies.

I would say ever so slightly less.

Lua has the identical problem to JS, in that you get 53 bits of precision (now 64 with Lua >= 5.3).

However, Lua has operator overloading, so it's practical to import an infinite-precision integer library, define the operators, and then use ordinary arithmetic from there, with correct results.

I would prefer a proper built-in numeric tower, but I'm in the minority there; Lua is a minimalist language and generally doesn't add things to the core which can be written as extensions.

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