There have been USB powered portable monitors for years that would let you get a dual screen experience. With iOS 13, there is built in support for using an iPad ($329 10.2inch screen) as a second display.
Really ? So lugging a USB monitor vs having on a device. Which one would most users prefer ? Don't say "oh the external can be of higher res". Portability is a big win.
Many who do serious work on laptops lug around bluetooth keyboards + mice + laptop stands so the ergonomics aren't crippling. Adding external screens (which are generally very light) isn't a big add.
I am sad that cellular modems in portables isn't a bigger thing. It was a feature before it's time. Now that the world is far more interconnected than before, it would be more useful that it used to be.
On the other hand, seeing that I always have my phone with me, I don’t need my cellular connection with my iPad either and I could save that $20 a month.
I do wonder if even T-mobile would be as generous with data with a laptop as they would with a tablet.
Most Windows users especially do seem to at least carry around a mouse with their laptops. Carrying a 2/3 pound - 1 pound iPad in your laptop bag is also something a lot of travelers do.
Do you usually carry a laptop without a bag? How do you carry your laptop cord now? How snug is your laptop bag that you can’t put an iPad in it? Also, the iPad connects to your Macbook using WiFi. If you have an iPhone, you probably are already carrying a lightning cord - the same one that the non-pro iPads use.
That's exactly what I've been doing. But I value portability - I'm a (hobby) photographer as well and my backpack includes 2 lenses and a Nikon D850 (combined > 10lbs!) + my MBP 2015 + My usb-C powered second screen.
I travel a lot with this full backpack and if I can reduce that second screen, I'd jump on that!