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Hate to nitpick, but blatant linkbait headline. It's not 80 lines of JavaScript. It's 80 lines of javascript + thousands more lines of JavaScript in the form of libraries.

Point taken. Some of the libraries are like the air we breath (e.g., jQuery) - I even forgot to mention it on the link page.

My point was with 80 lines of "purpose built" code - you can create a functioning wiki. But we do stand on the shoulders of giants - I hope I gave proper attribution.

Yup, same as any language that has libraries. It's not that surprising.

The point is that you can create similar feats with a similarly small amount of code.

+ thousands more lines of JavaScript in the form of libraries.

And let's not forget the millions of lines for the browser and the underlying operating system!

My point, is that "80 lines of javascript" is technically incorrect.

There's no point to mention how many lines of code it is, unless it's actually true.

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