I'm still looking for a reason to even use twitter. I understand _what_ it is, just not any useful purposes for me.
I did think of it as a way to send broadcast "secret" messages, or something along those lines, or when you are posting mundane stuff (went 2 bathroom had shit). Possibly it could be used as a form of a system downtime monitor, similar to what status.4chan.org is.
But use it for me? That's what emails, txts, and phone calls are for.
I'm still looking for a reason to even use twitter. I understand _what_ it is, just not any useful purposes for me.
I did think of it as a way to send broadcast "secret" messages, or something along those lines, or when you are posting mundane stuff (went 2 bathroom had shit). Possibly it could be used as a form of a system downtime monitor, similar to what status.4chan.org is.
But use it for me? That's what emails, txts, and phone calls are for.