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  #include <stdio.h>

Get off my lawn! In my day, we coded straight in hex, because we couldn't trust assemblers to properly align instructions on the drum memory!


In fairness, that's just including the function prototypes. You don't need to explicitly link in libc most of the time.

But it's being implicitly linked in, so what's your point?

The point is that it's already included unless you specifically exclude it. If we take "pull" as a volitional action rather than a passive allowance, then we don't need to "pull" any libraries.

I'm really just playing devil's advocate here (which is why I prefaced it with "To be fair…"). From the considerable amount of hate (rather than calm dismissal) the comment seemed to be getting, I felt that people weren't bothering to think it through. joshwa's response seemed to indicate that "#include <stdio.h>" was pulling in a library, which is at least as wrong.

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