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Tik Tok is almost the new Vine, but less restrictive and more engaging. The biggest assumption the article makes is that even in case Facebook were to try to buy out creators for Lasso, making new content is hard work and Tik Tok creators have spend hours and hours putting together the followings that they have.

It's not easy to convince such passionate and fan-driven folk with built audiences to switch, it's almost as if Vimeo started trying to pay YouTubers to switch to Vimeo.

> Tik Tok is almost the new Vine, but less restrictive and more engaging.

Less restrictive? Just look at what they do to LGBT content: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/sep/26/tiktoks-l...

Additionally, it's Chinese and thus likely to be in the target list of economic sanctions. For once, something good could result out of the cringefest that is the US-China trade war.

I use Tik Tok every day and like a good percentage of the content it shows me I’d consider “gay.” They may have restricted LGBT content in the past, but they definitely don’t now.

I believe the LGBT+ restrictions are all regionally applied.

I smell an opportunity for Facebook. Appeal to the disenfranchised and oppressed.

How is that any different from twitter enforcing it the other way around?

The parent were comparing Tik Tok to Vine, what does Twitter have to do with anything?

Twitter bought then killed vine...

>The biggest assumption the article makes is that even in case Facebook were to try to buy out creators for Lasso,

The name alone means nobody will use it. It's not catchey at all. It sounds more of a clothing store or something.

How did TikTok solve the two sided marketplace problem and build critical mass?

A metric butt-ton of advertising on FB and Google

If TikTok is the new Vine than who is the next David Dobrik?

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