These kind of sites can be super helpful, they just need more input to them, would be great if they were a sort of wiki.
For example with plastics, like nylon which I don't believe has a reactive adhesive, hotglue can work well. Infact hotglue when cured can host hundreds of pounds in things like wood even.
Also the term 'plastic' is very generalized. Would be great to be able to know what to test for to see what kind of plastic is what. Different kinds can have different reacting adhesives that are very strong as the site points out about PVC
For example with plastics, like nylon which I don't believe has a reactive adhesive, hotglue can work well. Infact hotglue when cured can host hundreds of pounds in things like wood even.
Also the term 'plastic' is very generalized. Would be great to be able to know what to test for to see what kind of plastic is what. Different kinds can have different reacting adhesives that are very strong as the site points out about PVC