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Curious. This is somewhat reminiscent of SGI's ccNUMA and CRAYLink/NUMALink architectures.

If memory serves, IRIX (SGI's UNIX OS) had both the metrics to see the latency of access, and the ability to migrate the data and/or the compute closer to each other.

ccNUMA was open-sourced and AMD uses it on their multi-core/multi-socket systems, though usually within the motherboard. Not so much leaving the case and interlinking SGI Origin system style (which is what the CRAYLink/NUMALink tech did).

The sad thing is that Hyper Transport was supposed to offer this exact feature and implement it just like SGI did with NUMAlink. There were a few boards produced with HTX slots, I have an older Tyan dual socket Opteron board with an HTX slot kicking around.

There is a connector standard: https://www.hypertransport.org/ht-connectors-and-cables

Connectors available from Samtec: https://www.samtec.com/standards/ht3#connectors

Manycore CPU's and converged ethernet pretty much made it moot.

Yeah...HTX was really interesting until it was clear that 40G/100G enet was going to become commodity really fast.

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