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I know, I signed up for an ATT plan soon after landing in US, I already had a GSM Phone that I wanted to continue using. However, choosing to use my own phone did not reduce my phone bill in any way nor was i offered a cheaper plan.

So, why not take the free phone that comes with the contract anyway?

It's much easier to get a month-to-month contract when you're not getting the free phone. That in turn gives you nice leverage when you call to cancel in four months, complaining that you're paying too much.

^ This.

Except on T-Mobile, whether you need it or not, take the free phone. Then sell it for more then it's upgrade price (people not eligible for upgrades will be happy to pay $100 or more for a phone if they need it, even one you got for free, because its cheaper than what VZW/ATT will charge them).

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