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Diversification means I need to give the stock broker more money. That's all it means to me. I understand the risk aversion concept. You don't need to "educate" me.

Telling lay people (as you call them) that they need to do this or bad things will happen is the perfect scam. Create disonance and then offer a solution.

"Repent and ye shall be saved." "Diversify and ye shall be saved." I don't buy either argument. I got out of the market in 2000, never been back. Never will.

Edit... and yes, I owned index funds, but they wanted me to buy more index funds to further diversify my holdings. I learn quickly. That's always been my problem.

How does buying an index fund mean giving a stock broker more money? It's your money, invested. You're certainly free to keep it under your mattress if you prefer. Historically, money invested has drastically outperformed money kept under mattresses :)

Because it never ends:

1. You don't invest? Let me help you start. (give guy money)

2. Good, you invest. Let me help you diversify. (give guy more money)

3. Good, you are diversified, but you need to diversify more (give guy even more money)

4. You have too many stocks. Let's get you into more bonds. (give guy money)

5. Hmm... you don't have any exposure to Far East currency, but we can't take away from your Euro position. Give me some more money so we can buy this new Chinese currency. (give guy money)

6. ...

That is my point. Investing is a scam.

Um, why you buy an index fund and you put $1000 in, you can immediately get $1000 out. And many brokerage accounts are free.

So this is no more of a scam than a bank account, except you take on more risk in return for more reward. Not a huge risk, but bigger than the money market.

It's true that relative to inflation many investments do quite poorly, and it's true that some investing is a scam. I don't think it's true that all investing is a scam.

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