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The Yuan is pegged to the US Dollar at around 1 yuan = 0.15 USD cents. A graph of exchange rate for Yuan/USD over time produces a horizontal line.

The current president 'Hu Jintau' controls the exchange rate through China's currency policy which dictates how many USD an owner of Yuan can get in exchange.

So buying yuan is a bet that the peg will be removed and the USD will be printed so much that nobody will exchange human labor for it.

It could work, but I'd buy physical gold before the yuan.

That's not true. The Chinese government may want to unpeg their currency (1) to give their citizens more purchasing power, (2) because of trade pressures levied by the United States backed up by the threat of tariffs, or (3) because China doesn't want to export to the United States as much. Betting the yuan will rise relative to the dollar is not even remotely close to betting that the dollar will become worthless.

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