"the first implementation was in Scala, which was chosen because of its algebraic data types and powerful pattern matching. This made writing the optimizer, which is the core part of the compiler, very easy. Our original optimizer was based on the design of Catalyst, which is Spark SQL’s extensible optimizer. We moved away from Scala because it was too difficult to embed a JVM-based language into other runtimes and languages."
There is an important "contemporary history of computing" article to write about the evolution of the Spark project from "let's build a distributed filesystem for MapReduce in Java because we read those early Google papers" to "SQL is the right model for working with data so DataFrames" to "meet data scientists where they are: Python (and R)" to "make machine learning easy" and now to "LLVM, but for crunching big numeric arrays".
Maybe "dialect" would be more accurate than "superset"? I don't think Cython is technically a superset of Python, since I think runtime metaprogramming features like __dict__ and monkey-patching are significantly altered or restricted?
Cython is a reification of the interpretation of a python program. Ie it converts the python code into the equivalent CPython API calls (which are all in C) thereby allowing the developer to interperse real C code. Anything you could do in python you could technically do in Cython, although it would be much more verbose.
Yeah, I was going to make a similar comment. It's a dialect of CPython, and certainly there are extensions required to make it usable. But I'm not sure it is a strict superset of the full Python language.
The same could be said for every Rust fanboy that feels the need to mention Rust whenever an article about C or anything implemented in C is brought up.
Or every C fanboy brings up C whenever Rust is mentioned.
As somebody who uses both, I don’t understand the whole territorial conflicts in this space. Any C programmer can learn a ton by the paradigm Rust uses. Even if Rust would fade into oblivion tomorrow, the lessons I learned by using it will remain valueable enough for me not to regret having learned it.
C is always going to be needed, given the size of the codebase and the amount of embedded stuff written in it. It comes – however – with a waggon full of dangerous traps and gotchas and in practise very few people are good enough to always avoid them or mitigate the risks created by them. I don’t see any reason why C shouldn’t get better in these areas for the benefit of everyone involved.
No disrespect to you but passion in people can come from deep knowledge of a subject but IME much more commonly comes from lack of experience with alternatives.
I've noticed the younger people are the more likely they are to be passionate, which I put down mainly to not knowing any better. Once one has more of the experience that places you higher up where you can see further, suddenly one's own plot of land doesn't seem so special.
Does that justify the snide remarks? We should show more tolerance, there might not be a tool in existence that does not have its disadvantages along with its advantages. Healthy discussion around facts is beneficial, dismissing people for being passionate is not.
That did sound snide but it wasn't meant that way. I'm not sure how I should have done it better.
> dismissing people for being passionate is not
Seems I didn't say that well either. Passion that comes from knowledge and experience is good. If it comes from inexperience then maybe not so good because it isn't "Healthy discussion around facts" but around existing biases.
It's important to enjoy your work, which is - among other causes - about having right tools. Also, some of us actually get to have some influence over what language we write our projects in.
I think you misunderstand the parent. The obsession to always focus on tools is I think, what they described. In the end of the day what matters is what you produce, not what tools you used. Nobody cares about what you used, apart from engineers.
It’s not mutually exclusive. We are craftsmen and craftswomen. Definitely obsess over the problem but also obsess over the tools used to carve out the most usable elegant and efficient solution.
It’s really asking the same questions over and over again. Can we do better ? Does this tool allow me to be efficient, write safer and faster code, how good is the adjacent libraries and ecosystem ? What other kinds of things does it make it possible to solve?
If you are a professional, you will use the most effective tool for the job - to get results. What tool will produce the best results - schedule, budget, quality, maintainability, scalabi, portability, etc.?
Other than outliers that will crush your productivity, or multiply it, your feelings are pretty irrelevant.
Similarly, when you get into a racecar, your feelings about your preferred driving style are irrelevant - if you can change the setup to accommodate your style without slowing jt down, great = but if not, your job is to adapt to the situation and reliably get the best possible result.
Either way, you have fun and produce a crap result, you will not be congratulated (or re-hired), and if you have little fun and produce a great result, you'll get both.
If it's a hobby, do whatever you want.
Obviously, in terms of professional development, you want to use more forward looking tools, but what is the best measure of that - your feelings or results?
I am a professional and I do not choose my tools based on the job.
I choose the best tools for me, invest a lot of time in getting better at them, and choose jobs I can do with minimal changes to my toolset.
To expand your analogy, if I have spent the last few years of my life getting better at driving bulldozers, I will not take any job requiring me to get into a racecar.
I sort of disagree with your main assertion. I do big data for a living and what I have seen is that our architecture is dictated to us from above for reasons of "fashion" not really for any reasons of practicality.
I'm actually looking for a different job for that reason.
We are required to used Java on K8s, Kafka & Cassandra for every single solution big or small because it is fashionable, not because it gets the job done well or for any other reason. I can even demonstrate how a couple of Python scripts and Pandas could do all the same work with far less overhead and achieve the same results. Crickets. Python is not sexy where I am, it is the language of peasants, apparently. Not sure what to make of it all, but that is my reality right now.
Also, I don't think you know anything at all about driving race cars. The driver has a tremendous amount of input into the car's setup because it's his life on the line out on the track. "Adapting to the situation" gets finishes, not wins.
Looks like we agree more than disagree. Seems like whoever is deciding on the tools, are failing to do so based on the job/project, instead opting for 'fashion' or whatever.
Good reason to seek a new situation, since you have neither appropriate tools selected for you nor input to select better ones.
Racecars? Yeah, I've only won some SCCA super-regional championships. Yes the driver does have a very large inptut into the setup, BUT it is within the constraint of the combination of the setup change and the improved driver feel must make the combination of car/driver faster. And yes, sometimes a change that makes the car technically a bit slower but gives the driver more confidence will result in faster net lap times -- and those are OK. But whatever the setup is, at the end of the test sessions, whether the car feels great or feels like crap, it's the driver's job to get the most out of it.
And I've had many situations both in the racecar and in international alpine ski racing where something felt weird/odd/unfamiliar/scary, but was fast as heck, so it was my job to adapt, rather than go back into my comfort zone.
Better to keep pushing outside your comfort zone, use tools/setups that get better results, and change your 'feel' to appreciate the better setup.
Very bizarre there is no discussion of numba here, which has been around and used widely for many years, achieves faster speedups than this, and also emits an LLVM IR that is likely a much better starting point for developing a “universal” scientific computing IR than doing yet another thing that further complicates it with fairly needless involvement of Rust.
I'm one of the developers of Weld -- Numba is indeed very cool and is a great way to compile numerical Python code. Weld performs some additional optimizations specific to data science that Numba doesn't really target right now (e.g., fusing parallel loops across independently written functions, parallelizing hash table operations, etc.). We're also working on adding the ability to call Python functions from within Weld, which will allow a data science program expressed in Weld to call out to other optimized functions (e.g., ones compiled by Numba). We additionally have a system called split annotations under development that can schedule chains of such optimized functions in a more efficient way without an IR, by keeping datasets processed by successive function calls in the CPU caches (check it out here: https://github.com/weld-project/split-annotations).
Overall, we think that the accelerating the kinds of data science apps Weld and Numba target will not only involve tricks such as compilation that make user-defined code faster, but also systems that can just schedule and call code that people have already hand-optimized in a more efficient and transparent way (e.g., by pipelining data).
Although to be fair, there is no reason why numba couldn't gain those capabilities, it just hasn't been a focus of the project. It should be possible to build a lightweight modular staging system in python/numba similar to Scala's (https://scala-lms.github.io/) or Lua's (http://terralang.org/).
Did you read the article? If you know of Numba works, you know it can't just pick up different functions from sklearn and scipy and do interprocedural optimization (IPO). For Numba to do that, it'd need all functions involved to be written in Numba @jit style, whereas Weld would work directly on the pre-existing functions.
Rust is just a IPO driver of sorts here.
I'm not critizing Numba btw, I use it regularly, but your comment seems a little off here, considering that Weld has different goal in mind.
Hi, I am the interviewer. I think I saw numba once but forgot about it. I will check it and probably ask to interview them too. We are preparing interviews about RAPIDS and other similar projects too.
Rust is great, but this is an important comment! We used it to implement Weld's compiler and runtime, but we don't expect data scientists who use languages such as Python, Julia, or R to switch over to it; the idea is that these data scientists continue using APIs in these languages, and under the hood, Weld will perform optimizations and compilation for decreasing execution time (and these "under the hood" components are the ones that we wrote in Rust).
Would Weld be able to do a better job if these scientist were using a Rust library instead ?
A lot of people would like to use Rust for data-analysis / machine learning, but there are not really any good batteries-included frameworks for getting started with this.
So... this requires cooperation from the underlying libraries (numpy, pandas...) - what is the likelihood of said libraries adopting this upstream vs Weld having to maintain their own shadow implementations for the foreseeable future?
Numpy et al of course already have N python acceleration frameworks hammering at their doorsteps to integrate more closely...
How much cooperation is needed though? It seems to me that all that numpy pandas etc. need to do is maintain a stable API, which they already do AFAIK.
I saw a performance comparision with XLA, and it's interesting that Weld is faster, because XLA is supposed to optimize the code using the known tensor sizes during compile time.
Weld and XLA seem to have similar optimization steps though.
XLA and Weld do have similar optimizations -- at their core, one of the main things they do is removing inefficiencies like unnecessary scans over data, common subexpressions, etc. across many operators. The speedup in the benchmark you're referring to actually involved some NumPy code too for pre-processing, and the reason Weld outperformed XLA is because Weld could perform those kinds of optimizations across TensorFlow operators and NumPy functions (whereas XLA only optimizes the TensorFlow part of the application).
I also want to mention that this benchmark is from a while back (around 2017 I believe), so its possible improvements in both XLA and Weld will make the numbers look different today :)
For what it's worth, Jax (github.com/google/jax) now lets you use XLA to compile Numpy code. It'd be cool to see how that would stack up in a modern comparison.
Not to sound like a member of the Rust evangelism strike force, but after using Rust for a couple years, I don't have any desire to go back to C - sum types alone are worth the switch to me, not to mention iterators, concurrency story, etc.
That would be like explaining C++ Concepts to an assembly programmer from the 60s that had never used a "function" as a way of abstracting code.
If you really want to know, spend one afternoon learning any programming language with built in support for that (Rust, Ocaml, Haskell, ...). ADTs is one of the first things one learns.
In Rust, the features you'd need to learn are enums, patterns, and pattern matching.
But be warned that using C++ variant and std::visit will feel like you are being forced to only write C instead of C++ for the rest of your life, knowing that life could be much better. Once you learn this, there is no way to un-learn it.
I know how these things work in Rust, and I'm still failing to see your point. It's not at all as complicated as what you are saying given that you can find many blog articles that explain it succinctly in a couple paragraphs.
It's not at all helpful to say that there's something so complicated on these other languages that you can't possibly get the idea across without using them.
enum A { Foo{ x: i32, y: f32 }, Bar(B), Baz([u32; 4]), Moo(i32), Mooz(i32) }
struct B { z: f32, w: (f64, f32) }
let b = B { z: 42.0, ..}; // create a b with z == 42 and default w
let B{ w: (first, _), .. } = b; // get B.w.0 field
let a = A::Foo{ x: 42.0, ..};
if let A::Bar(Bar { z, ..}) = a {
// if a is an A::Bar, get b.z field of A::Bar(b)
if let A::Baz([0, 1, 2, 3]) = a {
// if a is an A::Baz containing an array
// with value [0, 1, 2, 3]
match a {
A::Moo(1..3 @ v) => {
// if a is an A::Moo where x in A::Moo(x) is in range [0, 3) and put the value in the local v variable
A::Moo(x) | A::Mooz(x) => {
// Either A::Moo or A::mooz, gives you the value of x
// ERROR: I forgot to match some patterns
fn foo(B{ z, ..}: B) -> f64 {
// get the z field of the first function argument
What in Rust are one liners, and can be used anywhere (let bindings, constructors, match, if-let, while-let, function arguments, ...) is a pain to write in C++ using `std::visit` and `std::variant`. The error messages of `std::visit` + `std::variant` are quite bad as well. And well, then there are also other fundamental problems with variant like `variant<int>` having two variants, `variant<int, int>` having 3 variants, but you can't reach the second `int`, etc.
You can translate all the code above to C++ to use std::visit + std::variant instead. I personally find that C++ is unusable for programming like this, and almost never use std::variant in C++ as a consequence, while I use ADTs in Rust all the time.
One difference is that std::variant is run-time dispatched and uses memory equal to the max of all the variants, while Rust's sum types could potentially be compile-time dispatched and memory optimized to the exact type being used through various code paths.
> Did they have to write the runtime in the same language?
No, they originally wrote the runtime in C++, but ended up re-implementing it in Rust because the C++ runtime had too many bugs.
> They could've used an ML with GC and it would've been better (for a compiler).
They originally wrote the compiler in Scala with the JVM GC, and they said it was much slower and much harder to embed.
> It doesn't really have any functional programming paradigms. Pattern matching is present in imperative languages like past versions of ATS
When choosing a language for such a project, there are many engineering trade-offs that must be evaluated.
The Weld project has dozens of developers that need onboarding, documentation, examples, tooling, etc. Rust has a lower barrier of entry than ATS. One of the main things Weld does is interfacing with LLVM: this is one of the main things the Rust compiler does and Rust has great libraries for this. Another thing Weld does is interfacing with many dynamic languages (Python, R, etc.). Rust does not just have "C FFI". It also has _a lot_ of great tooling for automatically generating and validating all the boilerplate automatically. Finally, performance and code size of Weld is one of the main advantages over the alternatives. Rust generates reasonable code with LLVM, ATS has its own code machine code generator, which while reasonable, isn't as good.
Finally, it is hard to find people who enjoy writing ATS code. They exist, but are not many. Even when you do find them, they often don't like collaborating with people (I only know one ATS user, vmchale on github, and they don't really like interacting with others). OTOH it is trivial to find lots of people that enjoy writing Rust with others. It doesn't matter if this is due to technical reasons, marketing, or hype, but it's a fact that you have to consider if you want a project to grow fast.
Rust performance is pretty much in terms of C/C++ performance but promises stability in regards to memory management due to the borrow checker. Rust is very impressive on its own. If you havent taken the time to research Rust because "its yet another language" you really ought to honestly.
The computation here is actually not done in Rust. The Rust code is performing stages of compilation of the original source code, into an intermediate representation that LLVM finishes compiling. The fully compiled code is what does the computation.
The Rust developers are working hard to ensure that no breaking changes ever appear in the language. As such old code would always be compilable, even if there's better ways to do it with modern features.
Rust learns the lessons that older languages taught us. Why would you think they'd fall into such an obvious pitfall given how long they took to get to v1?
Rust guarantees stability on any feature in the stable release of the compiler. And anything in the standard library will remain in there in perpetuity, even if deprecated.
> The motivation behind Weld is to provide bare-metal performance for applications that rely on existing high-level APIs such as NumPy and Pandas.
With regard to Pandas this makes me pause slightly, since, while pandas contains lots of high quality and high performance implementations, the API of pandas in some places doesn’t feel well-designed (the most obvious example is indexing of data frames via square brackets and the various properties like iloc).
Interesting that initial implementation was in Scala but then they switched to Rust because of minimal runtime, language embeddability, functional paradigms, community and high quality packages. The hype bandwagon is so real in here. So basically one could say the same for several other well established languages, e.g. Haskell.
Also what saddens me is that everyone forgets about D which has the same benefits and a syntax that does not make scratch your eyes out, especially when it comes to FP. Also D has not actually "skipped the leg day" ;)
There is an important "contemporary history of computing" article to write about the evolution of the Spark project from "let's build a distributed filesystem for MapReduce in Java because we read those early Google papers" to "SQL is the right model for working with data so DataFrames" to "meet data scientists where they are: Python (and R)" to "make machine learning easy" and now to "LLVM, but for crunching big numeric arrays".