Application isolation and the ability to upgrade separate applications and components with their dependencies separately from each other. Less issues with "update X" now broke A, B and C apps... you now have to add a PPA for Apps A and C, but B you'll have to build from source, oh crap, no longer actively maintained... switching to D app which was forked a couple months ago.
Not to mention the ability to easily support different build tool chains combinations, etc. Right now, my preferences are flatpak, snap, ppa, repo in that order.
Not really looking to play with a new linux, Manjaro is next on my list. Currently running Pop!_OS, which has been nice (just jumped this past month, haven't tried a linux desktop in 5+ years before that). I've been relatively happy.
That said, my biggest issues so far:
* need to update kernel and new mesa drivers before putting the 5700 XT video card.
* needed to update kernel for wifi support (intel ax).
* rainbow puke from RGB controllers, the Gigabyte (X570 Aorus Master) support is all but worthless, and the open-source project I saw was actually for windows. For the Lian Li o11 Dynamic Razor edition case, there's open-source Razor drivers, but I'll need to setup a windows drive in order to capture some data in order to support the specific device. I haven't even looked into the Corsair ram yet (which is actually the biggest eye sore at the moment).
I really regret not building another black box. My first two choices of cases without windows were sold out, so I went for the "pretty" case option. Which would be great if I were running windows, but I have no intention to. A lot of money on RGB fans (all matching), water cooling, ram, etc... and none of the controllers have good linux support. Would switch to another controller, but the only one I keep finding is a German company and doesn't seem to actually be sold anywhere. Which wouldn't cover the ram or case.
Not to mention the ability to easily support different build tool chains combinations, etc. Right now, my preferences are flatpak, snap, ppa, repo in that order.
Not really looking to play with a new linux, Manjaro is next on my list. Currently running Pop!_OS, which has been nice (just jumped this past month, haven't tried a linux desktop in 5+ years before that). I've been relatively happy.
That said, my biggest issues so far:
* need to update kernel and new mesa drivers before putting the 5700 XT video card. * needed to update kernel for wifi support (intel ax). * rainbow puke from RGB controllers, the Gigabyte (X570 Aorus Master) support is all but worthless, and the open-source project I saw was actually for windows. For the Lian Li o11 Dynamic Razor edition case, there's open-source Razor drivers, but I'll need to setup a windows drive in order to capture some data in order to support the specific device. I haven't even looked into the Corsair ram yet (which is actually the biggest eye sore at the moment).
I really regret not building another black box. My first two choices of cases without windows were sold out, so I went for the "pretty" case option. Which would be great if I were running windows, but I have no intention to. A lot of money on RGB fans (all matching), water cooling, ram, etc... and none of the controllers have good linux support. Would switch to another controller, but the only one I keep finding is a German company and doesn't seem to actually be sold anywhere. Which wouldn't cover the ram or case.