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Silica is one of the most abundant oxides in the earths crust. Our bodies have no problem dealing with it.

I have one word for you, but it's a doozy: pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Been waiting your whole life to break that one out, haven't you? If that doesn't deserve an upvote I don't know what does.

... a disease where you breathe sub-microscopic silicon volcanoes?

My best guess is where you breathe "ultra" fucken tiny silica bits from a volcano.

wait, so they're going to coat everything with volcanoes?

No. The spray can will just be shaped like a volcano.

So is this the beginning influx of reddit jokes on HN?

I didn't actually intend it to be a stupid joke; I was actually trying to parse the word, and then it turned out I was in the middle of a redditesque joke thread. But, no, I doubt it, especially given the number of downmods.

Ah, I don't read the Reddit. Mea culpa!


You mean pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis right?

In larger-scale chunks (ie, dust). There have been a lot of questions how nano-scale particles react in our bodies, some of them apparently very differently, and not very much science because the creation of them in relatively large quantities is such a new development.

So yes, lets add new things to food without the testing we require of drugs, and lets do it on a massive scale.

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