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Whenever they claim that something will revolutionize everything, it ends up in disappointment.

The things that actually do revolutionize everything are usually pooh-poohed at the beginning ("Another search engine?")

Remember when Dean Kamen claimed that the Segway would change the way we built cities? Most hilarious product launch ever.

Talk about overpromising and underdelivering. I remember people speculating that he'd designed a compact, powerful hydrogen fuel cell, hoverboard or something similar.

Like either of those would be massively revolutionary either.

Well, by comparison...

There already are portable fuel cells, you still have to get the Hydrogen somewhere. Now if the Orbo worked, that'd be something different.

As for a hoverboard - sure it's technically more interesting than a Segway, but would it truly revolutionize anything?

  > As for a hoverboard - sure it's technically more interesting
  > than a Segway, but would it truly revolutionize anything
It would for the cast of Back to the Future on Ice. ;-)

Seriously though, I think that the technology behind a hoverboard would probably have far more implications than the technology behind the Segway. The product itself might not revolutionize much, but the technology behind it would.

I agree, the hoverboard itself would revolutionize much (well, maybe for skaters), but the technology behind would change how we travel; Heck, we could use it to decrease the weight of the cars we currently use at least.

It did! I see parking attendents on segways every single day. Segway is directly responsible for a rise in parking tickets. Wonderful product!

This was the first thing I thought of when I read the parent comment.

For some marketing based technologies this is certainly true.For others , the gartner hyper cycle is more accurate : http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/1789656101_2229062a20.jp....

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