In the spirit of being helpful: “ignored” implies you knew the meaning and intentionally did not address it. I think you meant “I was unaware of this meaning” or “I didn’t know that.”
not to nitpick any more than necessary, but
I don't think that's entirely correct:
"I have ignored" implies that GP knew the meaning and intentionally did not address it, while "I ignored" is correct and also means “I was unaware of this meaning” or “I didn’t know that.” ... at least that's how I see it.
"I ignored..." = I was aware, but consciously chose not to address it, but perhaps softer than, "I consciously chose not to address it. "I ignored the fact that the sun was out, and returned from the beach sunburned." (I knew the sun would burn me, but went out anyways, with perhaps a shade of not realizing how much I would get burned.)
"I was ignorant of..." = I was unaware. "I was ignorant of the fact that the sun causes sunburn, and returned from the beach sunburned." (I didn't realize the sun would burn me.