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"It’s a popular notion these days Google has lost its “mojo” due to failed products like Google Wave, Google Buzz"

Really? Taking a single one sided tech crunch article (that is in contrast to several other recent TC articles marveling at innovations produced by google such as the real time translation) as popular belief didn't make me want to continue reading.

But I did. Some interesting points about the vertical results being important, but the implication that the core results are a wasteland that google has ceded seems pretty unsubstantiated.

Yeah it's convenient to not mention the massive successes like Chrome and Android...

Though these products/ projects are certainly doing very well and look promising, I'll call them "massive successes" when they start to make significant contributions to Google's profit or even at least revenue.

It's not always about profit and revenue. By your definition, Apache and Linux could not be considered successes.

Personally, I think gaining 10-15% of the browser/smartphone market in a couple years is pretty good. And while the direct success of Chrome has been nice, it's also been a kick in the pants for the entire browser industry, which has responded with better, safer, and faster browsers for everyone.

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