Agree that support is hard, especially when dealing with a very technical product, with very technical users. As far as fixes/enhancements go: every company has to prioritize somewhere. That means not everything gets done. Limited time, limited resources.
I completely understand the limited time and resources, I can really empathise with that. However I think there are 2 ways in which they could handle this issue better:
1) It's a feature that is fundamental to continuous delivery that is missing, yet CircleCI market themselves as a CI and CD product. I think they need to be more realistic in conversations with customers, in their documentation, in their marketing material, etc, and give significant time in their documentation to workarounds and discussion of the issue.
2) They need to seriously work on their customer communication about the prioritisation system they use. Being constantly told to vote on "ideas" (when they are essentially bug fixes) is quite insulting, and as a customer makes me feel like my input is trivial, it's "nice to haves", rather than being something that genuinely matters to me. They need to have some empathy! Communicating more about the roadmap would be great. Maybe even communicating about all the things from the community site that they are doing each month would be an improvement. Right now it feels like being told our input doesn't matter.