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So inbound links can be faked but Facebook likes can't? Please.

Also, Google won because of better search, to such an extent that all they needed was word-of-mouth to completely demolish the competition in the late nineties and I don't recall any indications that Yahoo or Altavista couldn't scale their technology. Back then using Google was simply like using a different, infinitely more usable internet.

Finally, anecdotally, Google is a lot more difficult to game than any other search engine. It is pretty clear to me that inbound links carry a lot more weight with Bing and Yahoo, whereas Google includes several other metrics in how to weigh search results (including, fairly or not, significant emphasis on how long a site has been around).

Likes can be faked, but what if Facebook only counts likes in my circle -- or weights them heavily?

The real problem is that likes on pages aren't used enough for them to be useful.

Until now, you mean. Facebook is training its users to add everything they like. This counts web pages that you can share, too.

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