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Reminds me a bit of FTL, minus the turns, plus a designer which if it is half as cool as it looks will be amazing fun. Worth a Windows VM.

I'm curious if Steam Proton could handle this.

Few games could tempt me to create and maintain a Windows VM, but I'm already running the Steam client on my Linux boxes.

FYI, I just tried this on Ubuntu 19.04 with today's update to the Steam client and using Proton 4.11-4. The Cosmoteer demo installed without any complaints, but seems unable to launch successfully.

Alongside winetricks (https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iI...), if you've not seen it before, protondb.com is fantastic. In particular, see https://www.protondb.com/app/799600 for help in getting Cosmoteer to start.

I'm a huge fan of Lutris these days; community participants wrap the above advice into install scripts, and it's surprisingly common for things to magically Just Work (tm).

Thanks! I had no idea about Protontricks!

Check out Starship Theory on Steam for something close to FTL.

Personally I found Starship Corporation (no relation) to be the best ship design "game" I've yet seen.

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