The list of browsers you can test on includes MSIE 5.0 and 5.5. Do people target these browsers anymore? How old does a browser have to be before you say: I'm satisfied if the layout is a little off, as long as it's legible?
Wow, for $1,000 per year you could just about buy a MacBook and a copy of Parallels, which would let you create a full library of VMs with all the different browsers and operating systems, then load any one you wanted.
Plus -- you'd have a sweet machine to use for other purposes when you weren't testing. This sounds way overpriced.
You could do the same thing with VMWare Fusion (though it's still in beta, and I haven't tried it).
Obviously, free is better than $19.95. But, I think $19.95 per day is a pretty good price too. I would rather pay $20 for instant results than wait around for hours (the current wait time on the cue is over three hours as I type this).
You should probably try browsershots, then see how it actually works, and if it's not fast enough for you, try browsercam's free trial. I only mentioned browsercam and browsershots, but if you know any more, you can post them.
If this had the same title, but without the FREE at the end, I probably would have clicked on it. It kind of goes without saying that most things on the internet, particularly random technical services like this, are free.