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"turtles all the way down in Swift,"

This might be a little outdated but isn't everything (incl Python) a wrapper around C++ calls in TF?

As a full-time Python DL developer, I would say the major pain point isn't about passing the ndarrays/tensors to BTS runtime.

The major pain point of Python is the ... Python part of it, that is not related to ML itself. Like processing preprocessing data and sample it and feed to your downstream model stuff.

This part is surprisingly effortful, because of Python's slow runtime and GIL, etc. TBH for a lot of stuff there can be a workaround, but it is just manual and brittle and can't by further away than the supposed Pythonistical experience you would assume.

What Swift could be to the scene is a set of powerful and easy to work with preprocessing primitives that writes once, and runs both in training/production time. That would a revolutionary experience once it happened.

I can totally see the market there, and won't mind be an early adopter to it.

With that being said, Python isn't going anywhere any time soon. People bitch about it, but there is still no other option on the market that is more productive than Python.

Python isn't perfect, as it isn't as bad as some posts here trying to convince the audience otherwise.

Yes, the backend for Swift for Tensorflow will still be C++. The difference is that it will be the compiler (at compile-time) and not some library (at runtime) that will be mapping Swift native operations (instead of library calls) directly into the Tensorflow graph API. It's a much more sophisticated frontend, but there is no porting of the backend to Swift.

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