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I don't really care if it costs $1, it's still ridiculous that people today strap two supercomputers to their wrist so their wife on a business trip in Beijing can tell them over live high-def video to feed the cat.

> it's still ridiculous that people today strap two supercomputers to their wrist so their wife on a business trip in Beijing can tell them over live high-def video to feed the cat.

Or so a person in Hong Kong can say I love you to their grandmother about to pass away in a hospital.

They've also had these weird devices called 'telephones' for a while now, seems you can accomplish a similar feat. (Also, do people really need to say goodbye to their loved ones randomly in the middle of the day on their watch?)

Not necessairly. My point was that he/she was using an example that painted the Watch/Modern Phones in a bad light, while you can find examples that paint them in a good light as well.

Also, Telephones do not have nearly the same connection that video calls create. I call my younger sister, who is around 9ish, in a different country twice a day, and she regularly asks me to video her because she wants to give me kisses and wants to see me. That is possible in a normal voice call as well but its not nearly as connecting and personable as video calls are.

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