I'm actually really terrible of letting go of work, but one of the things I noticed is that part of that is the fact that I'm trying to keep track of too much in my head.
"I'll have to remember to copy config file X over if I move process Y to machine Z tomorrow"
"I have to factor out that piece of code, this will be the 3rd time I've written something similar"
"Call person about thing"
"Email other person about other thing"
Instead, with my piece of paper, I remember one thing:
"I'll have to remember to copy config file X over if I move process Y to machine Z tomorrow" "I have to factor out that piece of code, this will be the 3rd time I've written something similar" "Call person about thing" "Email other person about other thing"
Instead, with my piece of paper, I remember one thing:
"I need to read my notes tomorrow".
It allows me to focus a little better.