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>mentally track the battery for

Meaning what? I can't even think of a single time where I actually had to think about what the battery level is and I only charge it while I'm in the shower in the morning.

Meaning literally ever worrying about finding yourself in a situation where your watch is dead. Or looking at the battery throughout the day and worrying about whether it'll make it through. Or worrying about bringing its charger on trips, etc.

If you enjoy your watch, that's cool and totally great. I stopped wearing mine and it was mentally freeing not having one extra device's battery to monitor throughout the day. Would definitely recommend.

>mentally freeing not having one extra device's battery to monitor throughout the day

I don't have to do that, though. That's my point. It wouldn't free me from anything because I currently don't think about it ever.

It's great to hear your watch never dies on you, and you never have to worry about its battery. Surely you've worried about your phone, laptop, or headphones/earbuds batteries before -- if you want to sympathize, it's kind of like any of those. It adds to the list of devices you worry about. Subtracting from that list means less worries.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? If you never have to worry about the battery on the watch, what's the need to sympathize? You say "it adds to the list of devices [I] worry about" but I'm explicitly telling you that it doesn't add to that list because I don't have to worry about it.

Okay? I'm saying I worried about it. My watch died during the day sometimes because the battery only lasted about a day per charge. It also died whenever I forgot to charge it, and occasionally when I was out longer than expected (out late after work, etc).

I'm not claiming you worry about it or even that everyone else worries about it. I'm saying some people like myself worry about it, and not having to worry about it is nice. If you don't have to worry about it _and_ wear it, that's nice too.

I don't understand what you're trying to argue here, but I'm done with this thread.

Considering that you repeatedly used the phrase "you have to worry about it" or "list of devices that you worry about", I was arguing that your assertion isn't accurate. I don't worry about it, it doesn't add to the list of devices I have to worry about, and, based on the comments from others on these threads, it wouldn't be something you'd have to worry about either unless you intentionally didn't charge it at night. Worry implies that you're expecting it to die on you or that you have to monitor it throughout the day and we're telling you that's not the case.

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