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SwipeGood Now Supporting Chase, WF, BofA, Amex (mashable.com)
78 points by anemitz on Jan 11, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Great work guys! Do you have plans to support UK/EU cards in the future?

We're definitely looking at internationalizing the product in the future, but right now we're focused on the U.S. market.

That's awesome...Congrats on getting it done!

So does this mean you're tying in with banks one by one, instead of using something like yodlee?

We're connecting with banks based on popularity with end consumers. It's our goal to make SwipeGood accessible to everyone in the future.

5% operational expenses? Sounds a tad high.

Are they currently a 501(c) (or similar)?

"Is SwipeGood a non-profit?

Our goal is to make giving to charity as easy and as impactful as possible. By structuring ourselves as a for-profit business, we believe we can make a much larger impact on the world and help non-profit organizations become more efficient in their fundraising efforts."

So, no.

I bet the 5% is largely from credit card processing fees. Hopefully you guys can work out a deal with the processors at some point...

Exactly right. And yes, we're hoping for that too:)

Our view is that in order to move quickly and enact as much change as possible, we need to be structured as a for-profit (C-Corp).

Since we're not charging charitable organizations, the 5% is used by us to cover the cost of operating our business. If you think about it in that context, it's not very high:)

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