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My impression is the opposite. Compared to Github, Gitlab is simply phenomenal, especially the UX. It's honestly one of the few pieces of software that I truly enjoy using every day.

Enabling "AutoDevops" on ALL existing projects and wasting runner minutes people payed for is indeed "phenomenal".

You can't access admin area on gitlab.com.

Besides, if you manage to find their issue you'd see carnage this decision caused for some of the customers. Even those with own runners found them swamped in jobs doomed to fail , blocking actually inportant pipelines.

Autodevops as a product feature targets very niche audience of teams running gitlab, but without dedicated DevOps team , it is by definition a very opinionated view on CI/CD and I can not see how it was acceptable to suddenly enable it on all existing projects on whole gitlab.com overnight.

GitLab PM here. As part of 11.10, we introduced the ability to disable Auto DevOps at the group-level (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/#at-the-group-l...). This will disable it for all projects under the particular group.

We are working to make Auto DevOps smarter and only run in cases where it can add value (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/57483).

I agree with you, we don't currently cover all the use cases we'd like to, but we're working to expand the feature set and technologies we cover.

If you had a particular use case that was not well covered, I'd love to learn more about it so we can evaluate related improvements. You can reach me at daniel at gitlab dot com. Thanks.

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