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I've been thinking of dropping my AT&T iPhone 4 for a Droid Bionic on Verizon later this year. Given that, I'm really hoping they'll be charging extra for the wifi hotspot feature like they do with Android, or if they're not, making it free for Android users as well.

(edit: To be clear, the liveblogs I've glanced at haven't specifically said if it will be free or not, and Verizon apparently won't talk about plan pricing...)

I don’t really understand why you hope that they will charge iPhone users for the hotspot feature. That seems wholly unrelated to your purchasing decision.

because it's not fa-airrrr

    > I'm really hoping they'll be charging extra for the wifi hotspot 
    > feature like they do with Android
If they don't end up charging extra, I'll be happy to charge you for it so that you're not disappointed.

> I'm really hoping they'll be charging extra for the wifi hotspot feature like they do with Android, or if they're not, making it free for Android users as well.

Meh, root your phone like every other hacker and you can get free tethering on Android as well. I use it all the time with my Droid.

Send me a message if you end up selling your iPhone, I'd be willing to take it off your hands. (username at gmail)

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