Well one of my best friends and mentors was an “Eastern European model” who I think would be offended by this quote, which can come across as a patronizing attitude. She would say not to judge by appearance, and that perhaps Epstein is helping these women more than these women would. Don’t just a book by its cover.
Again, we're not talking here about a blanket judgment of "attractive Eastern European women" or even "attractive Eastern European women with a much older man." We're talking about this in the context of them showing up with a man who was a confessed and convicted pedophilic sex trafficker. That's why people were entirely in the right to assume that perhaps they didn't have their full agency in the situation. As a matter of fact one of Epstein's & Ghislaine Maxwell's tactics was to confiscate passports, which could very well have been the case with these women Epstein brought to MIT.
I read the article. These "concerned" staff "decided that the assistants would be allowed to accompany Epstein but would wait outside the meeting room." So they didn't allow these two women to participate in the conversation about science! From the facts in the article, it seemed to me they made a judgement about who these 2 women were based upon their appearance.
I'm saying read this article with a grain of salt. There's a lot of B.S. in here. Instead of throwing stones at everyone, let's think about what the bigger pictures problem with the system are.