Are there any apps that aren't featured get as many sales as the featured ones? Can any apps be considered "success" without Apple's promotion?
I found it interesting that almost all App Store success stories mentioned their sales went up when the app was featured by Apple, which indirectly makes me time that getting Apple's attention is the #1 priority for an app developer.
Was the relaunch of Tapbots' Camera+ featured? I don't think so, and it would seem weird for Apple to do it, after they initially blocked it - considering that it would look like a concession on their part - but I'm not completely sure.
Tapbots is one of the really big guys on the app scene, and I wouldn't put it past them to pull something like this off without Apple's help.
But people obviously shouldn't assume that they could follow in their footsteps.
I found it interesting that almost all App Store success stories mentioned their sales went up when the app was featured by Apple, which indirectly makes me time that getting Apple's attention is the #1 priority for an app developer.