Networking - as in from the packet queues down, yes. I could see the IP stack making its way into its own process (or more likely they'll try and see that the perf is terrible). Of they do that, they'll probably push SSL into the same stack.
Graphics - I don't see much changing, but to be fair it's pretty nice already. The part in kernel space for the most part just controls the GPU's MMU, the meat of the driver runs in user space for speed reasons as shared libraries in the processes that are making GPU calls. It's sort of exokernel like if you squint hard enough.
Filesystems - will probably be hybrid. I don't see APFS leaving kernel space, or anything your root partition would be on, but NFS, exFat, NTFS? Yeah.
Graphics - I don't see much changing, but to be fair it's pretty nice already. The part in kernel space for the most part just controls the GPU's MMU, the meat of the driver runs in user space for speed reasons as shared libraries in the processes that are making GPU calls. It's sort of exokernel like if you squint hard enough.
Filesystems - will probably be hybrid. I don't see APFS leaving kernel space, or anything your root partition would be on, but NFS, exFat, NTFS? Yeah.