we have found that it is quite accurate and even precise. I can talk to people and generally figure out their MBTI pretty accurately. Each of the attributes are scored numerically and arent binary.
For example in our organization most people are INTs. We have a mix of Ps and Js. The main difference is that Ps tend to be slower to make decisions and Js make decisions much more quickly. Ps are more likely to walk back decisions, where Js are stronger to commit.
We have a few ISTs and they tend to be our most detail oriented people.
We have very few Fs.
We have Es that get their energy from being around people. They are generally the ones that are always up for going out after work and with clients. The ENTJs tend to drive to be leaders. We mainly talk to clients all day. By the end of the day the Is want to go home, the Es are ready to go out with clients.
It is not like a horoscope in that it is based on your preferences determined by answering questions. If you answer them honestly then you can get a reasonable result. Over time people that were borderline can flip, but typically not in multiple areas.
I personally am a classic INTP as are many people I work with. Engineers are commonly INTP and INTJ even though they are a very small percent of the population, they show up at like 70% in our workplace even though they are around 6% of the population.
For example in our organization most people are INTs. We have a mix of Ps and Js. The main difference is that Ps tend to be slower to make decisions and Js make decisions much more quickly. Ps are more likely to walk back decisions, where Js are stronger to commit.
We have a few ISTs and they tend to be our most detail oriented people.
We have very few Fs.
We have Es that get their energy from being around people. They are generally the ones that are always up for going out after work and with clients. The ENTJs tend to drive to be leaders. We mainly talk to clients all day. By the end of the day the Is want to go home, the Es are ready to go out with clients.
It is not like a horoscope in that it is based on your preferences determined by answering questions. If you answer them honestly then you can get a reasonable result. Over time people that were borderline can flip, but typically not in multiple areas.
I personally am a classic INTP as are many people I work with. Engineers are commonly INTP and INTJ even though they are a very small percent of the population, they show up at like 70% in our workplace even though they are around 6% of the population.