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Could you elaborate more on how it is totally different?

I understand your target audience is not YNAB per se, but b/c of that very fierce loyalty you could draw some currently paying customers like myself. :)

I ask this in a genuine way but I'll try to play around with Lunch Money.

From your landing page, these features all exist in YNAB: * being able to review transactions that need to be categorized, splitting transactions * adding projected monthly expenses that haven't been charged yet * warnings for an account not importing correctly * allowing you to choose between what you spent last month vs budgeted last month vs spent on average

What does seem unique is better visualization on anticipation of spending and spending habits, which is definitely nice!

Though I think what you mean is perhaps the "feel" of budgeting vs the exact features. At the end of the day, YNAB just forces you to categorize vs envelope method technically.

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