When one is underage, it is easier to get illegal drugs than legal ones. The legality makes different sorts of barriers and different sorts of penalties for selling to a minor. I'm not sure it mattered if you were (are) selling pot to a 18 year old rather than a 30 year old - you were still selling pot. You would get in trouble for giving an 18 year old alcohol, though, but not the 30 year old. And a bunch of things like this.
On the other hand if you were a minor that wanted to use illegal drugs, you had to have the right friends/contacts to know where make illegal purchases.
Legality makes it so that now everyone knows where to buy it (at any store) and now minors just experiment a few times until they find a lax vendor just like they do with Juuls. After all, minors are not penalized for merely attempting to buy something.
And, like I put in my other comment, it doesn't really matter if the barrier for minors buying drugs is higher if the act of legalization increases the number of minors attempting to buy the drug by an astronomical factor.
> When one is underage, it is easier to get illegal drugs than legal ones.
I just don't buy this. When I was a kid it was trivial to ask somebody to buy us alcohol and cigarettes. Almost everybody I knew drank underage and at least a third of the kids smoke. Compared to this getting weed was always 'an event' and I did not get to try it until much later.